Saturday, December 31, 2011

More Portraits and Lots More Waterfall Shots


  1. I like numbers 14, 18, and 20. You can tell what a beautiful day it was in that waterfall shot. Your portraits really capture your sisters well.

  2. The one with Assa by the waterfall!! It's good for several reasons: she's more to the right of the shot instead of center, the colors are mostly brown, but the water, the moss, and her clothing break up the monochromaticism well, and she looks like she could be in a movie, thinking about an important life decision. X)
    Others that deserve shout-outs are the one of the water currents rushing by that stone wall, the four or so where you show the water cascading down from different levels in the ground, and the views of waterfall that would be uninterrupted if it were not for that rock formation in the way. It contrasts a diagonal line with the horizontal ones of the water rushing down. And any one of Caiomhe is quite nice. ^_^
